Jean-Marc Pisani
Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal, European Union
Jean-Marc Pisani is the European Union's Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal.
A civil servant within the European institutions, he worked for more than ten years at the European Commission on major EU policies - internal market, research, agro-food and pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries, trade, energy and climate. He then became deputy head of unit for multilateral relations, covering the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
From 2010, he specializes, at the European External Action Service, in countries in political and economic transition and in the common European external security and defense policy. In 2012, in charge of the crisis response division, he worked for four years on the Arab spring, the conflicts in the Sahel, and the Syrian refugee crisis. Between 2016 and 2020, Jean-Marc Pisani heads the division responsible for the conduct of EU civilian operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. From 2020, he became head of division in the Africa department, in charge of the Horn of Africa and East Africa.
Of French and Maltese nationality, Jean-Marc Pisani is a lawyer by training. He is also a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies in Paris.
Jean-Marc Pisani presented his credentials to H.E. Mr Macky Sall President of the Republic of Senegal on 11 October 2022.