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The EITI Board has temporarily suspended Tajikistan.

Board decision on the suspension of Tajikistan

Decision reference
2022-4 / BC-317
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2019-2021, Article 12.1. ix)

The EITI Board noted that no valid extension request was submitted by the EITI multi-stakeholder group in Tajikistan ahead of the deadline of 31 December 2021. The Board has thus decided to temporarily suspend Tajikistan for failure to meet this deadline for the 2019 EITI Report as per Requirement 4.8.  The Board will review the status of suspension and consider lifting it if it is satisfied that the 2019 EITI Report is published within six months of the deadline, i.e., by 30 June 2022.

If the outstanding report is not published within six months of the deadline, the EITI Standard requires the suspension to remain in force until the Board is satisfied that Tajikistan has published EITI data in accordance with Requirement 4.8.  If the suspension is in effect for more than one year, the EITI Standard requires the delisting of Tajikistan.  

The EITI Board will monitor and review the situation on a regular basis and consider if further action is necessary including the possibility of delisting.
