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Procurement of the Independent Validator for the 2016 Validations

1. 2016 Validation Schedule

At its meeting in Oslo on 1 and 2 June 2016, the Board agreed to the following EITI Validation schedule:

  1. 15 Validations (in Azerbaijan, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Sao Tome & Principe, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan and Timor-Leste) will begin on 1 July 2016.
  2. Six further Validations will commence on 1 January 2017 in Honduras, Iraq, Mozambique, Philippines, Tanzania andZambia.
  3. The Board will confirm the schedule for the remaining countries at its next meeting on 25-26 October in Astana, Kazakhstan.

2. Request for expressions of interest

On 15 June the Secretariat issued a request for expression of interest for a Validator in accordance with the Validation procedures. Expressions of interest were requred by 17:00 CEST 30 June 2016. The Board was updated via Board circular 215 on 30 June.

The Secretariat received 16 expressions of interest (EOIs). They were made available for inspection by the Validation Committee. The Secretariat assessed the EOIs based on the qualification requirements set out in the Validation procedures.

3. Shortlisting

Following World Bank approval, on 30 July the Secretariat finalised the shortlist and issued the request for proposals (RFP) inviting six shortlisted firms to submit detailed technical and financial proposals:

  1. Adam Smith International
  2. BSI America Professional Services Inc.
  3. CAC 75
  4. Engaged Consulting Limited and Michael Barron Consulting Ltd
  5. Scanteam
  6. Sustainable Development Strategies Group

All six firms submitted technical and financial proposals by the deadline of 8 August.

4. Opening of Technical Proposals

A public opening of technical proposals was held on 16 August. In accordance with World Bank requirements and the RFP, the Secretariat’s Review Committee assessed the technical proposals. The results were as follows:

Firm Score (/100)Rank
ASI 81.2 1
BSI 45.8 Not Ranked
CAC 75 78.2 3
Barron 71.4 4
Scanteam 71.1 5
SDSG 79.8 2

5. Opening of Financial Proposals

On 29 August we received the World’s Bank “no objection” to proceed with the opening of financial proposals. The opening of financial proposals was held on 30 August. As per the World Bank procurement guidelines: “The financial proposals shall be opened in the presence of representatives of the consultants who choose to attend (in person or online). The name of the consultant, the technical scores, including the break-down by criterion, and the offered total prices shall be read aloud”. The offered prices were as follows:

Firm Price
ASI $81,524.84
CAC75 $90,000.00
Barron $144,540.00
ScanTeam $148,500.00
SDSG $58,445.80

In accordance with the request for proposals, the highest ranked bidder was determined by weighting the technical (70%) and financial (30%) proposals, as follows:

 Technical   Financial   Total  
Firm Score Weight Total Score Weight Total Total Rank
ASI 81.2 70% 56.8 71.7 30% 21.5 78.3 2
BSI 45.8*70%   30%    
CAC75 78.270% 54.764.930% 19.574.23
Barron 71.4 70% 50.0 40.4 30% 12.1 62.1 4
ScanTeam 71.170% 49.8 39.4 30% 11.8 61.6 5
SDSG 79.8 70% 55.9 100.0 30% 30.0 85.9 1

* As per the RFP, the minimum qualifying score was 70. Only the firms that achieved the minimum qualifying score were invited to the opening of financial proposals

SDSG was the highest ranked bidder. It is a World Bank requirement that the firm obtaining the highest total score shall be invited for negotiations.

For additional information, contact Sam Bartlett ([email protected]).