On 22 January 2020, the Board agreed that Tajikistan has made meaningful progress overall in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. See Board decision 2020-02.
On 8 March 2017, the EITI Board agreed that Tajikistan has made inadequate progress overall in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. See Board decision 2017-13/BM-36/BP-36-5-H.
In this second Validation, the EITI International Secretariat has assessed the progress made in addressing the 17 corrective actions established by the EITI Board following the first Validation. See more under background below.
Timeline of Validation and related materials
- 8 September 2018: Second Validation commenced.
- 13-15 November 2018: The International Secretariat stakeholder consultations mission to Tajikistan.
- 11 September 2019: The International Secretariat sent the draft assessment to the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
- 23 September 2019: The International Secretariat sent the translated draft assessment to the MSG
MSG comments & Validation Committee review
- 14 October 2019: The CSO constituency submitted comments on the draft assessment. No additional comments from the MSG were received.
- 26 November 2019: The International Secretariat finalised the assessment for review by the Validation Committee.
- 20 January 2020 - VC Recommendation to the Board, Board Circular 284.
The first Validation of Tajikistan commenced on 1 July 2016. On 8 March 2017, the EITI Board found that Tajikistan had made inadequate progress in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard (see Board decision 2017-13/BM-36/BP-36-5-H). The EITI Board established 17 corrective actions related to:
- Industry engagement (requirement 1.2);
- Civil society engagement (requirement 1.3);
- License allocations (requirement 2.2);
- License register (requirement 2.3);
- Policy on contract disclosure (requirement 2.4);
- State participation (requirement 2.6);
- Production data (requirement 3.2);
- Export data (requirement 3.3);
- Comprehensiveness (requirement 4.1);
- In-kind revenues (requirement 4.2);
- Barter agreements (requirement 4.3);
- SOE transactions (requirement 4.5);
- Data quality (requirement 4.9);
- Mandatory social expenditures (requirement 6.1);
- SOE quasi-fiscal expenditures (requirement 6.2);
- Public debate (requirement 7.1);
- Outcomes and impact of implementation (requirement 7.4).