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Reporting guidelines for companies buying oil, gas and minerals from governments

EITI Requirement 4.2

These reporting guidelines are for use by companies buying oil, gas and minerals from governments to inform their payment disclosures to governments.

Applicable EITI Standard
Related EITI Requirements


These reporting guidelines are for use by companies buying oil, gas and minerals from governments to inform their disclosures on payments to governments in their own company reports. They aim to ensure the consistent disclosure of payments to the state or state-owned enterprises (SOEs) where:

  • Oil, gas or minerals are being sold on behalf of the state,
  • EITI requirements are applicable and relevant, or
  • There is commitment to transparency in commodity sales.

The guidelines are accompanied by model templates to support reporting companies in deciding on the level of detail and granularity of their disclosures.

The guidelines have been be developed by the EITI Working Group on Transparency in Commodity Trading, and informed by the discussions at the OECD Thematic Dialogue on Commodity Trading Transparency. As the approach to disclosures evolves, the guidelines may be revisited periodically to ensure that they reflect emerging best practices within the framework of the EITI Standard.

Which selling entities could be covered by the disclosures?

The EITI International Secretariat maintains a list of SOEs that are wholly or majority government-owned and engaged in extractive and extraction related activities, which indicates where EITI Requirement 4.2 is applicable. The list is available on demand by contacting [email protected].