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Call for nominations for the 2016 EITI Chair's Award

Clare Short, EITI Chair, invites all stakeholders to nominate one of the EITI implementing countries that you consider deserves an EITI Chair's Award.

The winners will be announced at on 24 February at the EITI Global Conference in Lima. The awards will be granted to countries that have shown leadership, determination and resourcefulness in ensuring that the EITI implementation improves extractive sector governance. Up to five awards will be given, including best impact story and website which have already been announced [links].

The deadline for nominations is 22 January 2016.

Nominations should be submitted to [email protected], with "EITI Award Nomination" in the subject line. All EITI Candidate and EITI Compliant countries are eligible for nomination. Anyone may submit a nomination. In nominating, brief justifications are encouraged.

We encourage anyone wishing to make a nomination to consider the following questions derived from the conference themes (link):

1. In which country has the EITI led to concrete improvements in policies and practices related to extractive sector governance?

2. Which country has made the most progress in the past three years given the local circumstances?

3. Which country has done the most to ensure that the EITI reporting responds to national priorities and challenges?

4. Which country has been exemplary in making data available in an accessible, usable and interesting manner and promoting the use of EITI data?

Previous winners

At the latest EITI Global Conference in Sydney in 2013 three countries were awarded:

  • Nigeria, for going beyond the EITI minimum standard and for making the EITI relevant and influencing policy in the country.
  • Togo, for producing a video that captures the spirit of the EITI and how it benefits citizens.
  • Sonny Mulenga from Zambia, for producing a video that captures the spirit of the EITI and how it benefits citizens.

At the EITI Global Conference in Paris in 2011 three countries were awarded:

  • Mongolia for consistent improvement in reporting;
  • The Central African Republic for rapid implementation; and
  • The Kyrgyz Republic for achievement despite political instability.

At the EITI Global Conference in Doha in 2009, the following three countries won:

  • Liberia for its rapid progress;
  • Azerbaijan for being the first compliant country?, and
  • Kazakhstan for its communication efforts.

Please send any questions about the Chairs' Award to [email protected].