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EITI Board to decide on EITI status for eight countries

The Board of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) is meeting 19-20 October in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, to discuss the status of the countries CameroonGabonGhanaKyrgyzstanMongolia and Nigeria. These six countries are currently recognised as 'Candidate countries' to the international transparency standard for oil, gas and mining sectors. They have completed EITI Validation, the quality assurance review of their EITI process. Based on the Validation Report, and following the methodology set out in the EITI Rules, the EITI Board is assessing whether they will become EITI Compliant or if their EITI Candidate status will be renewed.

Furthermore,  the EITI Board will decide whether Indonesia and Togo should be accepted as EITI Candidate countries. Indonesia and Togo have committed to publishing all payments from their extractives sector, and may become the 32nd and 33rd  countries should the EITI Board accept their applications for EITI Candidature.

The EITI Board will also be preparing for the 5th EITI Global Conference which takes place in Paris 2-3 March 2011. At the EITI Global Conference, leaders from governments, companies and civil society organisations will meet to share how EITI has led to improvements in their country and to shape the future of the EITI. More information about the Global Conference is available at

The decisions of the EITI Board will be announced on the EITI website and in press releases shortly after the meeting. For media enquiries or to receive these press releases, contact Communications Manager Anders Kråkenes at [email protected].