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EITI Chairman's Awards presented in Doha

EITI Chairman's Awards presented in Doha

At the EITI Conference in Doha, the winners of the EITI Chairman's Awards 2009 were announced. The recipients of the 2009 Awards have all shown leadership in establishing resource transparency since the last EITI Conference. They were presented on Tuesday, 16 February at the EITI Chairman's Awards Dinner sponsored by ExxonMobil and Total. The winners were multi-stakeholder groups in Liberia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Liberia was awarded for the rapid progress the country has made towards implementation of the EITI. Azerbaijan was awarded for having come further than any other country and becoming the first EITI Compliant country. Kazakhstan received a special prize for its efforts to raise awareness of the EITI across their huge country.

At the dinner, Peter Eigen said: "This evening is to acknowledge those who have gone beyond the normal. It is a celebration of the efforts of all into making EITI a success."