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EITI’s 7th Global Conference in Lima, 24-25 February 2016

EITI’s 7th Global Conference in Lima, 24-25 February 2016

The Global Conference is the flagship event in natural resource governance. Governing oil, gas and minerals is no easy task for any country.  Improving transparency and accountability to strengthen systems and inform public debate is an essential first step for all countries. This Global Conference brings together key stakeholders in this debate across around 100 countries to discuss what has been learnt so far from the EITI, how to better use the data to inform public debate, and how to strengthen country systems to ensure better management of the sector.Governments, extractive companies, investors, civil society and international organisations will gather to share their experiences. Previous Global Conferences have been attended by Heads of State, CEOs and civil society leaders.

This Conference will focus on highlighting the results from implementing the EITI Standard, integrating the EITI into government and company systems, and informing public debate. As previously, the 48 implementing countries will present their processes in a National Exhibition alongside the Conference.

The Global Conference will address key issues in an open forum, such as:

  • What we have learned about making transparency and accountability more systematically lead to reform and improved lives.
  • How to ensure maximum complementarity between in-country efforts like the EITI and mandatory listings requirements in Europe and the United States.
  • How can trust improve companies’ license to operate, government’s policy-making, and citizens’ rights.
  • Whether more efforts should be sought to widen implementation.

Peru joined the EITI in 2007 and has long history of mining and significant natural gas reserves. The EITI Board’s decision to hold the Conference in Lima follows an invitation from the government. The sixth conference took place in Sydney, Australia, in 2013 and brought together around 1,500 participants.

Minister of Energy and Mines Rosa Maria Ortíz said: “We will strive to organise the best possible EITI Conference. We believe that the transparent management of extractive resources helps citizens understand the benefits this industry can bring to resource-rich regions               .”

EITI Chair, the Rt Hon Clare Short, added, “This is no talking shop. The world cannot afford to fail to optimise its use of natural resources. I want to see the EITI Global Conference to be a forum for specific actions to improve how governments, companies and civil society can collectively strengthen their systems and ensure the best platform for informed public debate and policy-making.”

The Global Conference is open to everyone. More information on how to register will follow in coming months. Sign up for the EITI newsletter below to stay up-to-date.


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