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Report a concern

Concerns reported through the online form are sent to the EITI Executive Director and are treated confidentially. Concerns regarding the Executive Director will be sent to the EITI Chair. The Executive Director or Chair will aim to respond within two weeks.

If the concern is about an administrative or logistical issue, for example about the organisation of or participation in a meeting or conference organised by the EITI (flight itineraries, hotel rooms, etc.), please do not use the online form. Such concerns should be addressed directly to the organiser of the event.

  • Current Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Review
  • Submit

Overview and contact details

Please use this form to report a concern to the EITI. We aim to respond within two weeks.

This information will only be known to the recipient of your form. We are requesting it so that we can confirm receipt of the form and inform you about next steps.

My issue concerns
Note: Your complaint will be sent to the EITI Executive Director, unless it concerns him/her. In that case, it will be sent directly to the EITI Chair.

Personal information

When explaining your concern, please avoid as far as possible providing personal information about yourself or information that may make it possible for your identity to be inferred.

By submitting your concern through this form, you acknowledge that the recipient will need to handle and process the information that you provide. Depending on the nature of the concern, the recipient may need to seek advice from Board committees, such as the EITI Governance and Oversight Committee, or other third parties.

If you have concerns about submitting information that could identify you to third parties, please state this in the following sections and we will consider suitable alternatives, such as a confidential telephone call.

Some concerns, including those referring to possible violations of the EITI Code of Conduct, will include personal information about a third party. Please limit the personal information about this third party to details required for the recipient to understand, and act upon, your concern. The EITI will seek to address your concern in accordance with the policy on voicing concerns and taking into consideration the privacy rights of the individual(s) in question.

First recourse

Stakeholders with a concern should first raise it with the immediate EITI body or, in the case of International Secretariat staff, with their line manager. This form should be used in cases where it would not be appropriate to raise the concern in this manner or if the concern has been raised but remains unresolved.

Read more: EITI policy on voicing concerns

Please let us know which of the following apply (you can select more than one):

First recourse