Call for views: EITI data strategy
We are seeking views from interested stakeholders to inform the development of EITI's data strategy.
Building on the EITI Board-approved EITI Strategic Priorities 2021-2022 paper on supporting open data, the International Secretariat has launched a process for developing an EITI Data Strategy over the next four months (September-January 2023). The development of the strategy is to be consultative and inclusive, led by demand, and based on the mapping of key audience data needs and access preferences. The objective of the consultations is to inform the strategy.
Application instructions
Please send your comments to the concept note by 15 December 2022 to [email protected].
If you are a data user, you are also invited to respond to our EITI data survey.
About EITI
We believe that a country’s natural resources belong to its citizens. Our mission is to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and accountability, and provide the data to inform policymaking and multi-stakeholder dialogue in the extractive sector. By becoming a member of the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), countries commit to disclose information along the extractive industry value chain – from how extraction rights are awarded, to how revenues make their way through government and how they benefit the public. Through participation in the EITI, more than 50 countries have agreed to a common set of rules governing what has to be disclosed and when – the EITI Standard. In each country that has joined the EITI, a multi-stakeholder group, composed of government, companies and civil society, supports implementation of the EITI Standard.
Building on the EITI Board's strategic priority on open data, the vision and objectives underpinning the proposed EITI Data Strategy touch on three interrelated aspects of open data:
Data use: Catalyse key audiences’ regular use of energy and extractives data for strategic purposes.
Data accessibility: Improve the quality and public availability of structured open data that meets key audiences’ needs and access preferences.
Data generation: Catalyse timely disclosure of information required by the EITI at source in policy and practice, aligned with national priorities.
There are four types of data produced by the EITI at the national and international levels:
- Structured, open data: Government extractive revenues by revenue flow, company and project; production and export data.
Unstructured non-financial data: Licensing, fiscal terms, ownership, state participation, social and environmental payments, revenue management.
Government and company data: Routine disclosures by government and companies of data required by the EITI, of varying levels of openness and reliability.
EITI Validation data: Database of 98 individual country Validation results since 2016, with individual assessments and summaries of findings per EITI Requirement.
Supporting open data: Timely, usable and accessible data will gradually replace retrospective reporting to inform decision making, foster independent analysis and promote public debate. Open data will enable multi-stakeholder groups to shift their role from report production to data use, analysis and dissemination.
Key questions for consultations
- What energy and extractives data related questions are you seeking to answer? Do your organization’s data needs align with the EITI’s data offerings? Do you see any areas for potential future alignment?
Open extractives data use
- What is your organization's main source of extractives and energy data? What are the key features of that platform that your organization values?
- Who do you see as key (current or potential) users and audiences for open-source energy and extractives data? Within your industry, what different sub-sets of energy and extractives data users exist?
- Could you share examples of cases where EITI data on the upstream energy and extractives sector has been used to achieve specific objectives? What types of energy and extractives data are of greatest interest to whom? What use cases should the EITI prioritise in its Data Strategy?
EITI data accessibility
- What kind of information related to the energy & extractive industries do you wish you had more accessible? How would you like to be able to access that information?
- Are there particular tools for facilitating access to extractive industry data that would help you? What tools could the EITI develop to support analysis of open extractive industry data?
- Has your organization ever used data produced by the EITI in your projects? What was your experience in finding and accessing the data you used?
Timelier disclosures at source
- What information on the energy & extractive industries do you consider to be relatively easy for governments and companies to disclose, and why? What information is more challenging to disclose, and why?
- What do you see as the key technical constraints to government entities and extractives companies systematically publishing more data on the upstream mining and petroleum value chains and government revenues? How could the EITI help overcome these?
- What do you think the EITI as an organization should be doing better concerning disclosures and open data? What is working well and what shouldn’t change?