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The Board agreed an approach to determining the consequences of third Validations.

Decision on the Validation process

Decision reference
2020-40 / BM-47
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2019-2021, Article 12.1. ix)

The Board agreed the following approach in situations where a country does not reach overall “satisfactory progress” in its third Validation:

Until the review of EITI’s Validation model is completed, the Board agrees that it will not suspend countries that reach overall “meaningful progress” in their third Validation, if the assessment demonstrates improvements in implementation or credible efforts to make progress. In determining the consequence of third Validations, the Board will consider the assessment of individual requirements, the significance of remaining gaps, the MSG’s efforts to address requirements and barriers to meeting the requirements, including the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, reflecting the factors laid out in Article 4.b of Chapter 4 of the 2019 EITI Standard.