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Constituency guidelines for civil society

This document defines the CSO constituency membership, the application process, the management of the registry, and the renewal of membership.

This document outlines how the civil society constituency organises itself in the EITI at the international level. As such, it is complementary to, and does not replace, any rules and protocols elaborated by civil society on representation and governance in multi-stakeholder groups (MSGs) which oversee the implementation of the EITI at national level. The focus of this document is on the global level of the EITI’s institutional infrastructure, especially the engagement of the civil society constituency in the policy and priority-setting work of the international EITI Board, which defines the EITI Standard and evaluates countries’ performance in reaching its requirements through Validation processes.

Stakeholders seeking to be members of the Constituency of Civil Society Organisations of the EITI Association, or seeking to refresh their membership, must complete an online application.

    Civil society