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EITI reporting underway in Norway

Five months after beeing accepted as an EITI Candidate, Norway has formalised its multi-stakeholder group, passed EITI regulation into law, and begun its first report.

All extractive companies and relevant governmental agencies operating in Norway are now required to report all of their tax, license and royalty payments and receipts by 17 August. The completed reporting templates will be compiled and reconciled by the audit firm that was chosen to act as EITI Reconciler. The Reconciler was chosen by the Norwegian government after a public tender.

On 26 June, the Norwegian multi-stakeholder group was formalised when it was appointed by the King-in-Council. The reporting requirements for the companies and government agencies were passed into law under the “Regulation on reporting and reconciliation of revenue flows from petroleum activity” that went into effect on 1 July. The regulation is available in Norwegian on Norwegian Lawdata. The members of the multi-stakeholder group are listed on Norway's country page.

For more information about implementation in Norway, contact Anders Tunold Kråkenes.
