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MEDIA ADVISORY: EITI Deputy Head to speak at G8 Summit

Eddie Rich, the Deputy Head of the EITI Secretariat will be in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland for the G8 event on Monday 17 June 2013 to assist UK Prime Minister David Cameron in persuading the other G8 member countries to implement the EITI Standard.

Ahead of the G8 meeting, Eddie Rich said: “Last month France and the UK committed to implement the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative as part of their efforts to ‘get their own houses in order’ on the G8 themes of tax and transparency. The EITI is a global standard that promotes revenue transparency and accountability in the extractive sector. Each implementing country creates its own EITI process adapted to the specific needs of the country.It is implemented by 39 resource rich countries”.

When Prime Minister David Cameron announced UK’s commitment to implement the EITI, he vowed to use his G8 presidency to push for transparency and the EITI.

“Mineral wealth for developing countries should be a blessing, not a curse. And I urge our G8 partners to champion the same high standards of transparency,” PM Cameron said.

Media briefing and enquiries

Journalists wishing to attend the scheduled media briefing on Monday between 11.00am-12.00pm, or have other enquiries, may contact EITI Communications Officer, Helene Johansen at [email protected]/+47 404 999 22, or Deputy Head Eddie Rich at [email protected]/+44 7805 57 4549.