Finland’s support to the EITI is part of the Government of Finland’s Taxation for Development (T4D) Action Programme. The T4D programme 2020-2023 implements the Government Programme's objective of contributing to improvements in the taxation systems of developing countries. With the T4D action programme, Finland seeks to support developing countries in their efforts to strengthen their own tax systems and to make their voices heard in the global tax policy negotiations. It also aims at ensuring tax responsibility and transparency of companies supported with development cooperation funding. Africa is the focus area of this work laid out in the Government Programme.
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a joint initiative and network of governments of developing and industrialised countries, non-governmental organisations, and multinational mining, oil and gas industry corporations operating in developing countries. The EITI has established a global standard, under which companies pledge to report transparently on their production volumes and values and on the taxes that they pay to governments. The EITI provides an effective tool in eradicating illicit financial flows (IFF) and in formalizing the grey economy.
Engagement with the EITI
Finland has supported the EITI directly through funding provided to its International Management, as well as through World Bank since 2019. Finland has pledged to provide EUR 700,000 for the initiative during the three year period 2020–2022 to deliver on the EITI's work plans mandated by the EITI International Board.
Finland is currently a member of the EITI Board 2019-2021 and is an active member of the EITI Outreach and Candidature Committee, as well as Rapid Response Committee (see more about the EITI Board committees here). Prior to the current term, Finland has been an EITI Board Member through 2013-2015 and 2019-2023.
Finland supports countries implementing the EITI Standard in Africa through capacity building on taxation and tax transparency. It also provides countries with direct financial support and has partnerships such as the:
- African Tax Administration Forum ATAF
- Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA
- Tax Justice Network Africa TJNA
- UNDP/Tax Inspectors Without Borders
- Publish What You Pay, particularly in Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique
- The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER
Finland believes that the EITI could serve as an instrument for strengthening its implementing countries’ taxation capacity and could also provide a framework for more transparent taxation of multinational corporations by means of international agreements.