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EITI Debates : Why the pushback? Barriers to public disclosure of beneficial ownership in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 17:00 – 17:00 CEST
  • 11 March 2021

Date: Thursday, 11 March -  75 minutes

Time: 18.00 CET (14.00 Buenos Aires, 13.00 Georgetown /Port of Spain/Sto. Domingo, 12.00 Bogota, Lima, Quito, 11.00 Guatemala, Mexico, Tegucigalpa)

Language: English/Spanish interpretation

Participate in the second EITI Debate! A new way to reflect on EITI implementation, perspectives and challenges.

Most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have started to collect beneficial ownership data. The eleven countries implementing the EITI Standard in the region are required to make the beneficial owners of corporate entities that hold oil, gas or mining licenses or contracts publicly available. However, progress with public disclosures have been limited to date in the region.

This EITI Debate will address the obstacles preventing public disclosures. It will bring together key figures who will discuss the challenges of collecting, disseminating and accessing data and future steps to fully implement beneficial ownership disclosures in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

Our panelists will discuss the following questions:

  • Is beneficial ownership data collected in the region and who is responsible for collecting it?
  • What hinders public access to this information? What are the arguments against transparency of beneficial ownership information? Are there examples where these obstacles have been resolved?
  • How can we ensure that beneficial ownership information in the extractive sector is disclosed? Going one step further: how can we ensure that such information is reliable and usable?


  • Dr. Santiago Nieto - Head of Mexico's Financial Intelligence Unit
  • Dr. Roberto de Michele - Senior Specialist for State Modernization, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Noel Alonso - Executive Director of Legislative Directory,  Argentina


  • Catherine Greene - EITI International Secretariat 

Acces the recording.

For additional information, please consult the preparatory note in the attachments.