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Microphone at EITI Board meeting

2023 EITI Members’ Meeting

The EITI Members’ Meeting is the governing body of the EITI Association

  • 16:00 – 17:30 CEST
  • 12 June 2023
  • In-person

The EITI Board will host a Members' Meeting in conjunction with the 2023 EITI Global Conference on 12 June at 16:00 at the Centre International de Conférences Abdou Diouf, Diamniadio (Dakar), Senegal.

The EITI Members’ Meeting is the governing body of the EITI Association. It generally meets every three years in connection with the EITI Conference to elect the EITI Board and EITI Chair for the next three years. The Members’ Meeting also approves the activity report and activity plan of the EITI Board, the annual accounts and audit reports since the last Members’ Meeting and may consider other matters pursuant to requests from a Member.

A Member may be represented in the EITI Members’ Meeting by written proxy. The proxy may also include specific voting instructions. Notice appointing a proxy must be received by Leah Krogsund ([email protected]) by noon (Senegal time) on 12 June 2023.

Summons to the 6th EITI Members' Meeting

In accordance with Article 8, the agenda for the 6th EITI Members’ Meeting is the following:

  • Welcome from Chair and adoption of agenda.
  • Approve the activities report, the accounts and the action plan for the EITI Board.
  • Adoption of the amendments to the EITI Articles of Association.
  • Elect the EITI Chair and the EITI Board.
  • Briefing on the Refinements to the EITI Standard. 

The papers for the meeting including the list of nominees to the EITI Board for each constituency can be found at this link.

The registry of Members of the EITI Association for the period 2023 – 2026 is kept by the EITI International Secretariat. To request information about or to update your registration, please contact Leah Krogsund ([email protected]) .

Members who have given advance notice to the EITI Secretariat as announced on the EITI website, may take part in the EITI Members’ Meeting. Registration of Members entitled to participate at the meeting will take place at the entrance of the meeting room for the Members’ Meeting.

A Member may be represented by written proxy. A duly signed proxy must have been received in advance by the EITI Secretariat and will be verified and registered together with the registration of the Members participating in the meeting.  Please use this link to register your proxy by noon 12 June 2023:

The quorum of a Members’ Meeting is a minimum of one third of the Members and must include at least one third of the Members from each Constituency. 

  • The EITI Chair shall act as chair for the EITI Members’ Meeting. 
  • The EITI Members’ Meeting shall make every effort to adopt resolutions by consensus.
  • The EITI Chair will ask the members if they can agree a resolution by consensus. 

The following is clarified with regard to the agenda item 6.4 ("Elect the EITI Chair and the EITI Board"): 

  • The Chair is elected by the Members Meeting on proposal of the EITI Board. 
  • The Members, and Alternates for each Member, of the EITI Board are elected on nomination by the Constituencies. 

The EITI Members’ Meeting is the governing body of the EITI Association. The Constituencies make nominations. The Members’ Meeting elects.


A Member of the EITI Association is a personal representative of a country (meaning state), company, organisation or legal entity that is appointed by a Constituency as set out in Articles 5(2) and 5(3) of the EITI Articles of Association.

Pursuant to Article 5(3) each Constituency decides on its rules governing appointments of Members of the EITI Association subject to the limitations and rules governing appointment and termination of membership under Articles 5(3) through 5(6).

The procedures for conducting the Members’ Meeting are outlined in Article 7. The functions of the Members’ Meeting are stated in Article 8. In accordance with Article 8, requests for the Members’ Meeting to consider other matters shall be submitted in writing by a Member to the EITI Chair in time for any such matters to be included in the agenda for the Members’ Meeting. For the 2023 Members’ Meeting, this deadline was 30 April 2023. 

Guidelines for processes for each constituency can be found on the EITI website and at the below links:

Further guidance is available in the Constituency Guidelines as well as in the EITI Articles of Association.

Questions about the EITI Members' Meeting can be addressed directly to Bady Balde, EITI Deputy Executive Director ([email protected]).