EITI’s 7th Global Conference
The Global Conference is the flagship event in natural resource governance. Governing oil, gas and minerals is no easy task for any country. Improving transparency and accountability to strengthen systems and inform public debate is an essential first step for all countries. This Global Conference brings together key stakeholders in this debate across around 100 countries to discuss what has been learnt so far from the EITI, how to better use the data to inform public debate, and how to strengthen country systems to ensure better management of the sector. Governments, extractive companies, investors, civil society and international organisations will gather to share their experiences. Previous Global Conferences have been attended by Heads of State, CEOs and civil society leaders.
This Conference will focus on highlighting the results from implementing the EITI Standard, integrating the EITI into government and company systems, and informing public debate. As previously, the 48 implementing countries will present their processes in a National Exhibition alongside the Conference.
More information on the EITI's 7th Global Conference: https://eiti.org/news/eiti-7th-global-conference-lima-24-25-february-2016