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Gender equality in the extractive sector

Gender equality in the extractive sector

  • 12:00 – 12:00 CEST
  • 1 October 2020

Date: Thursday, 1 October

Time: 9:00 Bogotá, 14:00 GMT

Language: Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish

Registration: Click here for more details

This webinar is a part of EITI Colombia's seminar series 'Good practices and trends in the extractive industry.'

The discussion will include the following speakers:

  • Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary state secretary, Federal minister for economic affairs and energy Germany

  • Carolina Rojas Hayes, Deputy mines minister Colombia

  • Juan Camilo Nariño, President of the Colombian mining association

  • Nicky Black, Director of the social and economic development programme ICMM

  • Helen Clark, EITI Board Chair

For more information, please visit EITI Colombia's website.