Transparency International
The oil, gas and mining industries are known for being highly prone to bribery and corruption. The EITI provides a platform for civil society to make a real and lasting contribution to strengthening transparency and accountability in the extractives sector in their country. By participating in the EITI multi-stakeholder groups, civil society can work towards combatting corruption and ensuring that decisions about natural resources are made in the best interests of current and future generations.
Engagement with the EITI
Transparency International (TI) engages with the EITI in a variety of ways. Transparency International and the EITI have organized joint events on beneficial ownership transparency, gender, and corruption in mining, worked together to engage the industry in responsible business conduct, and Transparency International has provided briefings to the EITI Secretariat on its Mining Awards Corruption Risk Assessment tool. Through its Chapters, Transparency International also works to support the engagement by governments with the EITI, including in non-EITI implementing countries.