Telye Yurisch Toledo
Economist and researcher, Terram Foundation
Telye Yurisch Toledo is a commercial Engineer from La Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana del Estado de Chile (UTEM). He has a Master in Applied Economics and Public Policy from the Alberto Hurtado University and Master of Arts in International Political and Economic Development (IPED) from Fordham University, with a postgraduate degree in Social Ecology and Sustainability from the University of Santiago de Chile, among other specialisations in Sustainability and Governance of Extractive Industries.
He is currently an economist and researcher for the Terram Foundation in the areas of economics, natural resources and environment. He is also the national representative for Terram in the Latin American Network of Extractive Industries (RLIE) and is an elected member of the Civil Society Council of the Chilean Copper Commission for the period 2021-2023. He has developed consultancies on natural resource governance issues for international institutions such as UNDP, PWYP, RLIE, NRGI and Heinrich Boll Foundation, Southern Cone office and Tbilisi - South Caucasus Region office. He teaches at different universities in the country and has several publications on extractive industries, mineral governance and sustainability.