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Burkina Faso 2019 Validation

Assessment of progress on meeting the EITI Standard

On 13 February 2018, Burkina Faso was found to have made meaningful progress overall in implementing the EITI Standard.  In this second Validation which commenced on 13 August 2019, the EITI International Secretariat is assessing the progress made in addressing the six corrective actions established by the EITI Board following the first Validation. See more under background below.

Timeline of Validation and related materials

  • 13 August 2019 - Second Validation commenced.
  • 25 September 2019 - The draft assessment sent to the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) 
  • 24 October 2019 - Comments from the MSG, comments from civil society and a note from the Mining Cadastre Directorate on licensing 
  • DATE - Final Secretariat assessment.

Validation Committee and Board review

  • DATE - VC Recommendation to the Board, Board Circular XXX / Board Paper XX-XX
  • DATE - (Draft) Board decision [ref number added once final], scorecard and corrective actions [English]


The first Validation of Burkina Faso commenced on 1 August 2017. On 13 February 2018, the EITI Board found that Burkina Faso had made meaningful progress in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard (see Board decision 2018-12/BM-39). The Board established six corrective actions related to:

1.  MSG oversight (Requirement 1.4);

2. Work plan (Requirement 1.5); 

3. License register(s) (Requirement 2.3);

4. State participation (Requirement 2.6); 

5. Contribution to the economy (Requirement 6.3); 

6.  Follow-up on recommendations (Requirement 7.3).