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Niger EITI candidature application

Niger EITI

Niger's candidature application was received by the EITI Secretariat on 10 October 2019. Niger's candidature application form, together with supporting documentation, were approved by the MSG on 7 October 2019.

Below you can find the following documents:

Candidature documents

  • Letter Prime Minister Niger re-joining EITI

  • Niger EITI Candidature Application Form


  • Speech Prime Minister at the extractive industry governance conference

  • Speech Minister of Petroleum Paris Conference

  • Speech MSG Chair and Chief of Staff  MSG meeting


  • Niger EITI 2019-2021 workplan

MSG Governance

  • Decision creating ad-hoc Committee to revise EITI Governance documentation

  • Decree 190/PM creating National EITI Mechanism

  • MSG ToR

  • MSG Internal Governance Procedures

  • Minutes First MSG Meeting September 2019

  • Decree 004/PM of 29 March 2018 nominating the National Coordinator

  • Decree 0134/PM of 13 September 2019 update nomination of the National Coordinator

Company engagement

  • Company Letter support of EITI and National Coordinator

Civil society engagement


For additional publicly available information, please refer to the Niger EITI website here