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Norway accepted as an EITI Candidate Country

The 11 February Norway was accepted as an EITI Candidate, and became the 25th EITI implementing country. Norway, the world's third largest oil exporter, is the first OECD country to implement the EITI. When applying for candidate status Terje Riis-Johansen, Norwegian Minister of Oil and Energy, said "By now moving from supporting the EITI to also implementing it, we hope to contribute towards the EITI becoming the globally recognised transparency standard for the extractive industry."

The head of the EITI International Secretariat in Oslo, Jonas Moberg, stated that "By implementing the EITI, Norway has reaffirmed its leadership in promoting transparency in resource revenue management. I hope other OECD and emerging economies will follow this lead. The fact that Norway already is recognised by many to be a leader in open government, means that no other government can credibly claim that they do not need EITI because they already are transparent."

Norway sent in its application to become an EITI Candidate 18 December last year. The government has created a workplan for EITI implementation that is agreed to by a stakeholder group consisting of representatives from companies, civil society and the government. It is in the process of drafting legislation that mandates EITI reporting, and reporting is planned to start by August 2009. Norway has until 10 February 2011 to complete EITI Validation.

For more information contact the EITI International Secretariat.
