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EITI Workshop in Latin America

EITI Workshop in Latin America

More than 40 participants from eight Latin-American countries gathered in Lima to discuss measures to improve transparency in the extractives sector in the region. At the workshop, Daniel Camac, Vice-Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru said that the publication of the country's first EITI Report marked an important high point in Peru’s implementation of the EITI. Peru’s first report covered revenues generated during the 2004-2007 period, covering most of the extractive companies operating in the country. Additionally, Peru is currently preparing to undergo the EITI Validation process and achieve Compliant status under the initiative.

Stakeholders discuss how to improve transparency 

Representatives from governments, industry and civil society from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela discussed current transparency practices and possible ways to improve transparency in their respective countries’ extractive sectors.

Mauricio Medinaceli, from the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), highlighted the importance of providing useful data to the public who, in turn, can use this data in their analysis and debate about key issues such as energy resources. Jose Luis Ibarra, member of ARPEL’S CSR Committee, ratified the interest of the companies in developing tools such as the EITI not only in the context of social responsible practices but as part of sound business practices. Carlos Monge, regional coordinator of the Revenue Watch Institute, emphasized the efforts made by several civil society organisations in monitoring the extractives sector in various countries in the region.

Javier Aguilar, from the IFC, drew attention to the project in the Cajamarca region in Peru known as “Mejorando la Inversion Municipal” which allows regional stakeholders to monitor budget execution in a region that receives significant resources from the extractives industry. By the same token, Amparo Garcia, Royalties Director in the National Planning Department of Colombia, shared Colombia’s experience in scrutinizing the use of mineral royalties transferred to subnational levels of government.

Conclusions and steps ahead

In the last session, participants charted next steps in advancing transparency in the sector in their countries. Latin America. Participants reached three main conclusions. First, that progress in advancing transparency will likely move at different paces in different countries. Second, that the EITI is a useful platform from which transparent practices could be strengthened. And lastly, that each country in the region requires a different strategy in promoting greater transparency in the extractives sector.

The workshop was organised by InWEnt, on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the EITI International Secretariat in collaboration with the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), the Regional Association of oil and natural gas companies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARPEL), the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). 

For more information about the EITI in Latin America, contact Francisco Paris, Regional Director at the EITI International Secretariat. 
