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Timor Leste launches first EITI Report

The Government of Timor-Leste published its first EITI Report today, covering financial data for 2008. The President, H.E Ramos Horta, the Secretary of State for Natural Resource, H.E. Alfredo Pires launched the report at an event in Dili. The preparation of the report has been overseen by a Multi-Stakeholder Working Group, which includes representatives from government agencies, civil society, and the petroleum industry.

EITI Chairman Peter Eigen welcomed the publication of the report. “Timor Leste was one of the first countries to commit to the EITI, and the Multi-Stakeholder Working Group has worked diligently to ensure that the EITI provide a detailed and comprehensive account of petroleum revenues. I congratulate the Government and the members of the Multi-Stakeholder Working Group on the achievement of this milestone”.

Timor Leste is expected to begin the Validation process shortly. Validation plays an important role in the EITI process, evaluating EITI implementation in consultation with stakeholders and assessing compliance with the EITI’s requirements.

For more information, contact Sam Bartlett at the EITI Secretariat.