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Tanzania discloses mining revenues in first EITI report

UPDATED 16 Feb: with link to the Tanzania EITI report, and with corrected figures in the third paragraph.

On Friday 11 February 2011 the Tanzania EITI multi-stakeholder group launched the first EITI report that discloses payments made by the major mining and gas operating companies to government for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.

At the launch of the first Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI) report, TEITI Chairman Judge Marc Bomani said that “What is being launched today goes a long way in enhancing transparency in the mining sector. It helps identify areas where there are weaknesses. It also constrains the mining companies to be more careful in the way they manage their revenues. It also puts the Government on notice to spend the money wisely”.

The first EITI report showed that mining companies reported having paid US$84.4m in 2008/09. However, government entities reported having received only US$48.3m. The reconciler of the EITI report, Hart Group and BDO East Africa, notes that the unresolved discrepancies of US$36.5m might be explained by a number of factors and sets out a clear set of recommendations for future reports.  

The online publication of the EITI Report on the TEITI site is delayed due to technical difficulties. Until it is available at the Tanzania EITI website, it can be downloaded here. Tanzania EITI has begun the EITI Validation process.

For further information about EITI implementation in Tanzania, visit the Tanzania EITI website, the Tanzania page on the International EITI website, or contact Regional Director Eddie Rich at the EITI International Secretariat.
