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Mauritania publishes 2009 EITI Report

In October 2011, Mauritania published its fourth EITI Report disclosing the revenues from mining and oil companies for 2009. The government reported receiving US$191 million from the oil, gas and mining sectors, and companies reported paying US$195 million. The mining sector continues to grow steadily. The country is Africa's second largest producer of iron ore. Exports of iron ore, gold and copper accounted for 64 % of total exports in 2009.

The three most important revenue streams in the EITI Report are royalties paid on an annual basis by SNIM, the national mining company (34%), dividends (29 %), and profit oil (14%). The figures are disaggregated by revenue stream and aggregated by company. Some companies in the exploration phase that have left Mauritania did not report their payments to the government. The report was prepared by Fair Links and is available on the Mauritania EITI website:

Mauritania was admitted as an EITI Candidate country on 27 September 2007. The EITI International Secretariat is currently assessing whether Mauritania has completed the remedial actions required by the international EITI Board in order to achieve EITI Compliance. 

For further information about implementation of the EITI in Mauritania, please visit the Mauritania country page on the EITI website or contact Regional Director Marie-Ange Kalenga at the EITI International Secretariat.
