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United States launches public consultation on US EITI

The United States government has launched a public comment period to collect suggestions for the formation of a USEITI multi-stakeholder group.

Comprised of representatives from government, industry and civil society, the USEITI multi-stakeholder group will be responsible for the design and implementation of the USEITI framework. This follows a commitment from President Obama for the United States to implement the EITI and the appointment of Ken Salazar, US Secretary of the Interior, to oversee the implementation process.

In a press release, the US Department of the Interior states: "As a key element of President Obama’s Open Government Partnership commitments, active public involvement is vital to the success of USEITI. Interested persons are urged to take advantage of the various opportunities to comment on the formation of the multi-stakeholder group and implementation of USEITI. The comment period will range from February 25, 2012, through April 9, 2012."

To learn more or have your say, visit the new USEITI web page at