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What’s your #Trilliondollarquestion for the EITI in Asia?

In the lead up to the EITI Board meeting in Myanmar next week, the EITI and World Bank are hosting a workshop to highlight the demand for making EITI data more accessible and understandable for the larger public.

There are now more than 200 EITI Reports from 35 countries covering over US $1.3 trillion in government revenues. However, most of the information is “locked” in hardcopy or PDF files, making it difficult to access and use. The EITI Standard, agreed in 2013, puts greater emphasis on improving the accessibility of data in EITI Reports. Implementing countries, the International EITI Secretariat, the World Bank and other supporting organisations are working together to improve the availability and usability of EITI data.

On Monday 13 October 2014, we’re taking stock of this work at the EITI “#trilliondollarquestion” workshop. In addition to reviewing best practices throughout the region on “open EITI data”, we are inviting all interested persons to pose questions about the extractive industries in Asia. We’ll be testing whether the EITI is delivering the information that people need most.

So what would you like to know about the Extractive Industries in Asia?

What’s your #trilliondollarquestion?

Post your question below as comment, we will select some of the most challenging and interesting questions for the workshop and post the answers here. 

Stakeholders that will be in Naypyidaw, Myanmar, next week are invited to contact the Secretariat for more information. Please contact Sam Bartlett ([email protected]).