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International conference on extractive industry contracts

  • 00:00 – 00:00 UTC+2
  • 23 September 2009

This international conference will discuss the political and legal context of extractive industry contracts; licensing and negotiation; confidentiality and transparency of contracts; citizen and parliamentary participation in negotiation; approval and monitoring of contracts; the financial "take" of the government contracts; and contract negotiation and renegotiation experiences. Specific experiences in Liberia, Ghana, Peru and Azerbaijan will be examined from a variety of perspectives. Finally, conference participants will discuss key areas for a reform agenda as a contribution towards addressing the “resource curse”.

The one-day international conference will bring together international NGOs, civil society groups from developing countries, academics and researchers, international financial institutions, corporate and government representatives, and legal practitioners. (Confirmed participants include representatives from Bolivia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Angola, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Cambodia.) At the conference, a number of new and recent research reports on extractive industry contracts issues will be available.

For more information on the conference, please contact Ian Gary at Oxfam America, [email protected], or Susan Maples at Columbia University School of Law, [email protected]. Updates to the agenda will be posted at: