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Emerging Trend Toward Responsible Natural Resource Development

  • 00:00 – 00:00 UTC+2
  • 26 Janvier 2010

The seminar will focus on emerging trend toward enhancing international cooperation in natural resource extraction to help achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction in resource-rich countries, thereby ensuring a long-term win-win relationship between the people/ government of the host country and investors. A particular emphasis will be placed onto examining the merits of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).

Representative stakeholders from the extractive industries, international organizations and governments are invited to speak at the event. Audiences should include stakeholders from extractive companies, service companies, academics, civil society organizations, embassies in Tokyo, and government and its agencies. We extend a warmest welcome to this international seminar and your attendance will be highly appreciated


14:00 Opening Remarks

14:10-14:55 Session I: Overview and challenges in resource development and management

14:55-15:40 Session II: EITI and responsible business conduct in the mining sector

16:10-17:40 Session III:  Panel Discussion: Roles of Japan and international community in achieving sustainable development and use of natural resources

17:40 Closing Remarks

18:00-19:00 Reception (cocktail)

For more information, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.