The role of EITI in addressing corruption risks in the extractive sector
Date : Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Time : 08:00 to 10:00 CEST
Audience: Members of the multi-stakeholder groups, anti-corruption bodies
Interpretation: Mongolian and Russian
The International Secretariat with support from USAID had a regional forum to discuss the role of EITI in mitigating corruption risks in the extractive sector. The forum aimed to provide an overview of corruption risks in the extractive industries and to identify stages in the EI value chain that are particularly vulnerable to corruption drawing from country examples in the region. It aimed to further explain how the EITI could mitigate corruption through timely, regular, and standard disclosure of the EITI requirements.
Please contact your country manager if you have any queries. Southeast Asia ([email protected]), Eurasia ([email protected]) and MENA ([email protected]).
Suggested resources:
- Extractive Industries corruption risk diagnostic tool - NRGI
- Mining Awards Corruption Risk Assessment Tool – Transparency International
- Manual on integrity due diligence for Licensing in Extractive Sectors – World Bank
- Enhancing the Transparency and Accountability of State-Owned Enterprises – ADB
- Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Rish Areas – OECD
- Discussion paper: The EITI’s role in Fighting Corruption – Alex Gilies