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EITI Debate: Gender and extractive industries in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 16:00 – 20:00 UTC+2
  • 25 August 2021

Date: Wednesday, 25 August

Time: 09:00 AM (Bogota) | 16:00 CEST (Oslo)

Register here.

This EITI Debate, co-organised with Transparency International Colombia and DAR Peru, will bring together representatives from civil society, industry and public institutions.

Panelists will discuss the following questions:

  • What are good practices in relation to gender inclusion? 
  • How do stakeholders contribute to gender equity in the extractive industries? 
  • What can we do to improve?

These and other questions will guide our conversation. 

Initiatives to be discussed:

  • IGF
  • Campetrol
  • DAR
  • Women in Mining
  • Other