Women & large-scale mining in the Philippines
Scoping study
This study examines the impact of mining on women in the Philippines, and provides recommendations to shape gender-sensitive polices in the sector.
EITI disclosures have shown that only 12% of the mining workforce in the Philippines is female, and few women occupy leadership positions. Recognising the prevalence of structural gender inequality in the extractive sector, Philippines EITI conducted a study on the social, economic and environmental impacts of large-scale mining on women, as well as barriers they face to participate in the sector.
Published in October 2020, the study presents several recommendations for addressing key issues and policy gaps, including amendments to the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 to incorporate gender-sensitive provisions. The findings corroborate earlier research and can further help to shape data-driven polices that support a more inclusive sector. Integrating gender in EITI reporting and implementation has remained a priority for the Philippines EITI, which has been disclosing gender-disaggregated employment data since 2016.