Special event at the Conference of the State Parties (CoSP)
Action now: Combatting corruption to protect the environment
On 13 December, EITI Deputy Executive Director Bady Baldé will participate in the special event of the Conference of the State Parties (CoSP).
Date: 13 December 2023
Time: 8:00 - 14:50 EST
Format: Hybrid
Location: Room Seattle A302 / Zoom
On 13 December, the Conference of the State Parties (CoSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption will host a high-level event on how corruption affects the environment in Atlanta, US. The event and presentation of research findings will set the scene for discussion on the role of corruption in forest loss and exploitation of minerals, and the good practices and emerging opportunities to address such corruption.
EITI Deputy Executive Director Bady Baldé will take part in the session "Critical minerals and corruption" (13:00 – 13:50 EST), which will focus on how the green energy boom is increasing the demand for critical minerals, with large investments and limited availability exacerbating the financial crime risks. The discussion will centre on safeguarding a just energy transition, drawing lessons from efforts to combat illegal gold mining. Speakers will explore various tools to address corruption.
Session panellists:
- Bady Baldé, Deputy Executive Director, EITI
- Mohamed Ciss, Guinea Program Associate, Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
- Susannah Fitzgerald, Governance Officer, NRGI
- Fernanda García-Yrigoyen Maurtua, Intendant of the Prevention, Liaison and Cooperation Department, Financial Intelligence Unit of Peru (UIF-Peru)
- Tobi Oluwatole | Executive Director | Center for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID)
- Brooke Stearns Lawson, Experimentation, Innovation, and Learning Team Lead, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Sophie Frossard, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Organisers: Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Namibia, Norway, Peru, United States, UNDP, UNODC, Basel Institute on Governance, Environmental Investigation Agency, EITI, Nature Crime Alliance, Pan African Network for the Conservation of Africa's Natural Resources, Transparency International, UNCAC Coalition, Wildlife Justice Commission, World Resources Institute, World Wildlife Fund.
Photo by Ronny Sison / Unsplash