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Mozambique discloses mining and gas revenues for 2009

Today, 30 March, Mozambique launched its 2009 EITI Report in Quilemane in Zambezia Province, disclosing payments made to the government from companies extracting natural resources. The government received a total of just under US$40 million from their extractives sector in 2009: US$15m from mining and US$25m from hydrocarbons.

The net discrepancy between what companies report to have paid and what the government reports to have received was negligible (0.06%), though some larger discrepancies were recorded for some of the individual companies. The figures are broken down by the 31 reporting companies.

This represents a major step forward from the first report published one year ago, covering revenues from 2008. In that report, only US$7 million was reported, from six companies. In addition, that report showed a significant discrepancy. It is expected that EITI Reports will come under increasing scrutiny in the years ahead following major gas finds off the Mozambican coast over the past year.

The Mozambique EITI will now invite citizens throughout the country to local meetings about the findings of this EITI Report to encourage public debate of the figures.

The EITI Report itself can be found on the website of the Mozambique EITI:

To learn more about the EITI in Mozambique, please visit:
