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Liberia is making progress in fighting corruption, US Secretary of State says

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on her visit to Liberia that President Sirleaf's administration is taking action to increase transparency with a strong Anti-Corruption Commission at the center of efforts to rebuild from years of civil war.

"Today, Liberia is a model of successful transition from conflict to post-conflict, from lawlessness to democracy, from despair to hope," said Hillary Clinton. "In the last three years, the people of this country have been working to promote reform, reconstruction, and reconciliation. Liberia has adopted sound fiscal policies and seen strong economic growth."

President Sirleaf made it during Clinton's visit that strengthening Liberia's General Auditing Commission and complying with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has reduced corruption. She also said that  "We now need for the public and the media to recognize the progress and to join us in this fight which is not limited to government but has taken root in all of the society."

Prior to her visit to Liberia, Clinton met President Kabila in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). "I think the international community must start looking at steps we can take to try to prevent the mineral wealth from the DRC ending up in the hands of those who fund the violence here,"  she said and asked DRC to comply with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
