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DNO International supports the EITI

The EITI is pleased to welcome DNO International ASA as latest EITI Supporting Company. DNO explores for oil and natural gas and acquires license interests in UK, Yemen, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Equatorial Guinea and Mozambique, of which Yemen, Iraq and Mozambique are currently implementing the EITI.

In an announcement on its website, the company states that "DNO International ASA is glad to announce our support and endorsement of the  EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative). DNO regards the EITI principles and criteria for financial reporting as key to good corporate governance and transparency in the oil and gas industry. The Company will cooperate closely with EITI in the countries that are implementing the EITI."

With DNO International, there are now 56 oil, gas and mining companies that support the EITI.

See the list of the EITI Supporting Companies here »