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A study of G7, EU and OECD countries implementing the EITI

A study of G7, EU and OECD countries implementing the EITI

An increasing number of G7, EU and OECD countries are joining the global EITI in order to promote the accountable management of natural resources and to encourage good practice in developing and emerging countries. A new study by the German EITI-Secretariat evaluates the implementation experiences of these countries and shares lessons learned and valuable resources.

Germany’s road to candidacy

At the G8 summit held in June 2013 in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, the German government announced as the 2nd EU country, the 3th G7 country and as the 5th OECD country to pilot or implement the EITI initiative. After a 15 months period - from the formal announcement to fully implement EITI in June 2014 to the submission of the candidature application in December 2015 – Germany became an official EITI candidate in February 2016 and will file its first EITI report in August 2017. During this road to candidacy the German EITI stakeholders gained insight into the exciting and challenging experience not only to support [1] the EITI but to implement it.

The respective study was suggested to the D-EITI Secretariat by the members of the German Multi-Stakeholder-Group, which were keen to learn about experiences made by other OECD-countries implementing the EITI.  The Secretariat therefore compiled together with the MSG more than 50 questions and evaluated publicly available sources and information on the EITI process in Australia (pilot), Germany, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States.

Main Results of the study

Overall the study gives a detailed overview (including hyperlinks to original documents and sources, where available) of the implementation of the following EITI issues in the five OECD countries:

  • Scope of application (including covered sectors, revenue streams, materiality thresholds, number of companies, state of revenues, voluntary or mandatory)
  • MSG Governance and secretariat (including composition, decision-making, terms of MSG membership, frequency of meetings, independent secretariat, training for MSG members, subsidies to stakeholders)
  • Objectives and results (link to domestic policy objectives and reforms, objectives of the MSG, government objectives, private sector objectives, civil society objectives)
  • Special interests relating to implementation (first milestone, role of national parliaments, role of supreme audit institutions, ‘beacon effect’ and outreach, innovation)

The results show that the majority of OECD countries (all but Norway) have decided not to pass a specific EITI law but to adopt the principle of voluntary implementation by companies and agencies.

In each country examined, a consensus was reached in the MSG on the relevant steps required for implementation of the EITI. Sub-committees and working groups were considered especially useful tools for promoting positive group dynamics and facilitating informed decision-making.

The study showed that it is the primary objective of all of the G7, EU and OECD countries currently implementing the EITI to encourage good practice in developing and emerging countries. Additionally in Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States the EITI is linked to the implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

The issue of 'adapted implementation' was raised in all the discussions as a key issue for the future. Norway is currently debating whether to suspend the publication of annual EITI reports on the grounds that they are considered by some to provide no additional benefit. They work with the EITI International Secretariat in the process of mainstreaming – to see how to provide the same information without reporting and reconciliation.

Further implementation

Since the publication of the study Australia announced in May 2016 its plan to implement the EITI Standard. And more OECD countries will join.

France and Italy have made public statements of their intention to implement the EITI. The Netherlands as well as Mexico are preparing currently their candidacy.


Link to the publication on the Germany EITI website


About the Author: 

Franziska Killiches supports the German EITI secretariat with the introduction of the EITI in Germany. She can be contacted at [email protected].



[1] The German Government has been supporting the EITI since it was established in the year 2003, above all as part of the German international transparency and developmental agenda. It political, financial and technical support comprises for example the support for around 20 national EITI processes via bilateral and regional programmes of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. For more information, see here.
