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EITI implementation in Kazakhstan enhances transparency in the extractive sector

EITI implementation in Kazakhstan enhances transparency in the extractive sector

Board assesses the country as having achieved “meaningful progress”.

13 February 2018 – The EITI Board today decided that Kazakhstan has made meaningful progress in implementing the EITI Standard. The decision highlights how the Government of Kazakhstan and the National Stakeholders Council (NSC) have made progress “in improving transparency and accountability in the extractive industries by providing timely and reliable information to the public, including civil society, media and affected communities”. The Board also took note of how Kazakhstan has gradually expanded its EITI reporting in response to demand for more information, including on local content, social investments and transportation of oil, gas and minerals.

Fredrik Reinfeldt, Chair of the EITI, said:

“I am delighted to see how the EITI in Kazakhstan serves as a forum for responding to public demand for information about the country’s oil, gas and mining sector. I urge the government and the National Stakeholders Council to implement the recommendations from Validation and preserve the space for dialogue between government, companies and civil society”.

Ruslan Baimishev, EITI Board member and Director of Subsoil Use Department, Kazakhstan, noted that:

“Kazakhstan once again shows progress on the EITI implementation. The EITI has contributed to the implementation of best practices in the industry, reforming the sector and business processes optimisation. Notwithstanding these results, we still see potential for development and will continue working on ensuring even more transparency in the sector”.

The EITI Board commended Kazakhstan for publishing financial data and other information about the extractive industries in government systems.  This included public access to the government’s database for tracking contractual obligations as well as the launch of the online license cadastre and geological data. This work has ensured that Kazakhstan has gradually moving away from reliance on standalone EITI Reports to a more systematic and timely approach. Notwithstanding this progress, the Board made a series of recommendations to strengthen transparency, notably by ensuring public accessibility of information related to state-owned enterprises, oil trading and the governance of the National Fund.



  • Validation is the EITI’s independent evaluation mechanism. It assesses countries against progress made in meeting the 2016 Standard.
  • See here for a full explanation of the various levels of progress under the EITI Standard.
  • See the interactive scorecard for Kazakhstan here.
  • The documentation of Kazakhstan's Validation can be found here.
  • For further information about the EITI in Kazakhstan, please visit the country page on the EITI website and Kazakhstan's own EITI website.