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Concept note: Pilot on mainstreaming EITI disclosures


The International Secretariat proposes to initiate a pilot on mainstreaming extractive industry transparency in government and company systems. The overall objective of the pilot is to assess and test different options for mainstreaming disclosure of the information required by the EITI Standard with a view of maintaining timely, comprehensive and reliable disclosure. Implementing countries will be approached and encouraged to participate. The International Secretariat will oversee the pilot, maintaining regular consultations with the World Bank and other partners and regular updates to the Implementation Committee. Based on the findings from the pilot, the International Secretariat could develop further guidance material to assist implementing countries in mainstreaming transparency. As proposed in IC paper 51-7 Suggested refinements to the EITI Standard, the Board may also wish to assess the need for refinements to the Standard ahead of the 2016 Global Conference to encourage and enable mainstreaming EITI disclosures. 

See also the annex on suggestion for agreed upon procedures attached below.