Honduras Validation 2019
Assessment of progress on meeting the EITI Standard
On 28 October 2020 the EITI Board agreed that Honduras had made meaningful progress with considerable improvements in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. See Board decision 2020-77/BC-298.
In this second Validation, the EITI International Secretariat has assessed the progress made in addressing the corrective actions established by the EITI Board following the first Validation. See more under background below.
Timeline of Validation and related materials
- 25 April 2019: Second Validation commenced.
- 27 to 29 May 2019: International Secretariat stakeholder consultations mission to Honduras.
- 23 March 2020 : International Secretariat sends the draft assessment was sent to the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
Secretariat assessment & comments
- 13 May 2020 - The MSG provided comments
- 3 July 2020 - Final Secretariat Assessment
- 10 September 2020 - Memo on the assessment of Requirement 1.3
- 21 September 2020 - Cesar Gamboa's and Simon Taylor's note on the additional consultations of Requirement 1.3
Validation Committee and Board Review
- 21 October 2020 - VC Recommendation to the Board Circular 298
- 28 October 2020 - Board Decision 2020-77/BC 298
This is Honduras’s second Validation. On 28 October 2020, the EITI Board found that Honduras had made meaningful progress with considerable improvements in implementing the EITI Standard (See Board decision). The Board assessment is that Honduras has fully addressed seven corrective actions. However, Honduras will be temporarily suspended following the assessment of Requirement 1.3 on civil society engagement as “inadequate progress” in accordance with Requirement 8.3.c.i.. The Board established that progress in adressing five corrective actions would be assessed in a third Validation commencing April 2022.