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The Board concluded that Liberia is not eligible for an extension of Validation.

Decision on Liberia's Validation

Decision reference
2019-31 / BC-271
Decision basis
2016 EITI Standard, Requirement 8.5 - EITI Validation extension request

The Board agreed that Liberia is ineligible for an extension of Validation under Requirement 8.5 of the EITI Standard.

Noting concerns regarding EITI implementation and adherence to the EITI’s requirements on multi-stakeholder group oversight, in accordance with requirement 8.6, the Board has tasked the International Secretariat with undertaking a review of Liberia’s adherence to requirements 1.1 – 1.5 on government engagement, company engagement, civil society engagement, multi-stakeholder group oversight and EITI work plans. This should include seeking the views of government, industry and civil society stakeholders, and documenting stakeholder views in the assessment. Subject to the Board’s review of this assessment, the expectation is that Validation of the remaining provisions will commence no later than 1 July 2019.
