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The EITI Board decides that Timor-Leste is not eligible for adapted implementation.

Decision reference
2016-15 / BC-216
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2016-2019, Article 5

The EITI Board decides that Timor-Leste is not eligible for adapted implementation with respect to the following:

a.      publication of disaggregated production volumes and values per commodity (3.2);

b.      publication of disaggregated  export volume sand values per commodity (3.3); and

c.      publication of revenue data disaggregated by individual company, government entity and revenue stream (4.7).

The application was made because the multi-stakeholder working group (MSWG) in Timor-Leste considered that adherence to the requirements above would disclose commercially sensitive information. The EITI Standard allows for adapted implementation “where the country faces exceptional circumstances that necessitate deviation from the implementation requirements” (Requirement 8.1). In taking this decision, the EITI Board finds that Timor-Leste multi-stakeholder working group (MSWG) has not sufficiently demonstrated that it faces exceptional circumstances that necessitate deviations from EITI’s disclosure requirements. The request provided limited rationale for why publication of the information is considered commercially sensitive. In taking this decision, the EITI Board also emphasised the need for comparable treatment between countries and ensuring that the EITI Principles are upheld, including ensuring that the EITI process is sufficiently inclusive, and that the EITI Report is comprehensive, reliable and will contribute to public debate. 
