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Extractive Industries Unleashing Potentials – Respecting People and Environment

  • 00:00 – 00:00 CEST
  • 23 October 2009

The conferene is organised by Danida/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark; IBIS; Amnesty International Denmark; Transparency International Denmark; and Publish What You Pay Norway.

The objective of the conference is to discuss what Danish and international actors from governments, private sector and civil society can do to unleash the economic potentials in extractive industries through mobilising revenues and combat tax evasion while respecting human rights and promoting CSR.

Case studies from Ghana and Nigeria will be presented. Speakers will be ministers, representatives from private companies, investors, civil society and international institutions.

More detailed programme and invitations will be available in august. For further information, please contact Sarah Kirstine Johansen; [email protected]; Tel: 35 200 536