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International Conference on Taxation of Extractive Industries

  • 00:00 – 00:00 CEST
  • 9 September 2014

This conference is jointly organised by ITC, the European Commission and the World Bank Group an International Conference on Taxation of Extractive Industries.

Deputy-head of the EITI International Secretariat, Eddie Rich, is a panelist for session 4 on New EU reporting standards and the EITI, on 10 September 2014. See program.

The objective of the conference is to exchange views and experiences on the challenges to strengthen tax compliance in the extractive industries, take stock of existing experiences in building revenue administration’ capacity for taxing extractive industries, use different perspectives to create a differentiated picture and assess synergies, and identify ways for effective support through strengthening domestic tax systems and international cooperation. The conference will include a dialogue with civil society and private sector on the final day.

For more information visit the website: