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Norway 2022 EITI Validation: call for views on stakeholder engagement

Call for views on progress in EITI implementation in Norway.

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Справочная информация

Norway joined the EITI in 2009. Norway’s Validation against the 2019 EITI Standard is scheduled to commence on 1 October 2022.

I accordance with the Validation procedure, the EITI International Secretariat is seeking stakeholder views on Norway’s progress in implementing the EITI Standard between February 2019 and September 2022. 

The EITI Standard requires that the government, extractive companies and civil society are fully, actively and effectively engaged in EITI implementation.  The Secretariat is seeking views whether this requirement is satisfied by the existing public governance mechanisms, as anticipated in the Norway’s adapted model for EITI implementation and mainstreaming. In particular, the Secretariat seeks views on the following questions:

  1. Do the participatory and consultative mechanisms that already underpin Norwegian extractive sector governance and the annual meeting Petroleum Sector governance adequately guarantee multi-stakeholder oversight of the natural resource governance.
  2. Do these mechanisms adequately guarantee the engagement of companies and civil society in EITI implementation?
  3. Do the channels underpinning Norway’s national debate adequately assure public awareness and public debate on natural resource revenue management?
  4. Does the EITI Norway adapted implementation and mainstreaming arrangement meet the needs of Norwegian stakeholders including the approach to data assurance?
  5. Are oil and gas companies providing or disclosing the data required by the EITI Standard in accordance with the adaptations for Norwegian implementation of the EITI?

Инструкции по предоставлению информации

Stakeholders are requested to send views to the Validation team led by Christopher Wilson (  by 1 October 2022.


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