Matthieu Salomon
Lead, Anti-corruption, Natural Resource Governance Institute
Matthieu Salomon has worked on governance and anti-corruption issues for more than 15 years, including more than 10 years based in Southeast Asia. Before NRGI, he worked for Vietnam’s Towards Transparency (TI official Vietnamese affiliate) and for the Embassy of Sweden/SIDA in Hanoi. At NRGI, between 2012 and 2017 Matthieu oversaw a USAID-funded partnership project on extractive industry governance in Southeast Asia, and led NRGI’s new programme in Myanmar. After this, he has continued to support NRGI’s work on anti-corruption, the EITI and civil society partnerships, in Francophone Africa, the Middle East and North Africa.
Matthieu is now leading NRGI’s work on anti-corruption and, since October 2022, is Acting Governance Programs Director. Matthieu graduated from Sciences Po and from the Sorbonne (University Paris I) in history and political science. He is based in France.